Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Moral Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Moral Philosophy - Essay Example Brock sees no difference between theses two, and I would say I have to agree. Does it really matter who is doing the killing if in fact there is killing taking place Either way the outcome is the same, I don't think it really matters who is holding the needle or who is administering the dosage. There is plenty of relevance in this debate as well to the other debate over the distinction between killing and letting die. Is there really a difference between killing somebody or simply standing by and watching or letting them die I like to think it depend on the scenario, for if you try to help them out then you are really not letting them die so to speak. But people will often try to use their belief that there is a distinction between them to try to work against the legislation of these types of programs. People will use the argument that there is a huge difference between them and that killing somebody is ethically wrong compared to letting their natural time come and letting them die. They will try to use this to block any measures to give people the choice of these types of death methods, and there may be some merit in their ideas. On t

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